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Why Choose Safeguards® Containment for your Spill Containment Needs?
MEI's products are used throughout dozens of industries in numerous applications ranging from tanker truck containment, drum containment, and tote containment to wash berms, spill pads, drip containment, potable water bladders, fuel bladders, HazMat decon and Spill Kits. We pride ourselves on solving your common or unique containment concerns. More than likely, we have already supplied companies with spill containment for situations just like yours!

Drip & Dike Containment Products

Our SafeGuards® line of drip containment products are designed with low-volume housekeeping related concerns in mind. Standard and custom sizes offer the user a cost-effective solution for all those drip and spill related containment concerns.Our SafeGuards® Drip Berms offer an inexpensive solution to those drips and spills that drive your environmental health and safety people crazy. Available in both standard 21" x 23", 22" x 22", or larger Extended Drip Berm and customized sizes, we can help you eliminate all your drip containment concerns. When SafeGuards® portable spill containment products are not an option or when equipment or machinery cannot be moved, we offer the SafeGuard® line of Dike Containment. Our SafeGuard® Make-A-Berm is designed to be semi-permanent, either by adhering it to pavement or asphalt and leaving it in place for as long as necessary or by floor, scraping it up upon job completion.

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Company Info

Phone Number:
(877) 816-9716
Mailing Address:
Millennium Enterprises, Inc
P.O. Box 683186
Marietta, GA 30068
United States
Shipping Address:
4225 JVL Industrial Park Drive, Building 203
Marietta, GA 30066
United States